Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I start installing Friday, so I'm dropping off the map for a bit. two days ago I printed 336 teabags. Yesterday I finished up the 100s of wee houses, poured a lot of resin, and glued a lot of wee rocks on wee tailings. Today I have to finish a few hundred ravens, about 50 forest dioramas, the top of the dump diorama, photograph the ice pieces (and forests, dumps, and ravens...) and figure out what to do with my leftovers. This is where the schedule breaks down a bit.

The teabags look fantastic and three have already been taken. I love resin (I bought all of the resin in Dawson City. Now there is no more for me to love).

I might post before the weekend, but there more to do than time to do it in. So.

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