Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dump Runs and A Master Plan

So I think that the diorama will be based on the geology/geography of the dump. The old dump has no permafrost under it because it was cleared. Instead, there's a deep bowl full of ground water (post-melt permafrost). Under that there's bedrock. There may or may not be gold under the trash, but its unlikely because that area was dredged in the 20's. (Though there is better equipment now and people occasionally find gold in the old dredge tailings [aka dredge machine poop]). On either side of the dump there's permafrost where there is still brush. Expanding the dump will melt more permafrost and cause more water. Some of the trash groundwater occasionally spills into the permafrost, though no ones what happens when it does. Dirty ice cubes?

So the top layer of the diorama there will be trees and ravens and ravens and garbage and ravens. The second layer will have the bowl of groundwater, surrounded by permafrost. Then a layer of maybe-gold under all of that.

I collected some Styrofoam from the old dock to make diorama-permafrost with, and found that it was already sculpted for me:

The second marvelous dump find was from someone making a doll house. They left all of their scroll saw work and punched-out basa wood in a neat little baggie for me. They must have taken their doll house creation pretty seriously, since they left the trash in the construction area of the dump.

I like this dump.

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