Thursday, July 24, 2008

Studio Progress

Here's an example of the diagram/landscape layering idea. I am in the middle of making sure I have enough landscape to cover the diagrams (answer: no).

In the second image, the edge of Styrofoam Dawson City, based on the most popular tourist map, is in the corner. Its dirt roads are made from real dirt roads (i.e. Princess street). It is made of four pieces of scavenged styrofoam and I am quite proud of how seamlessly(ish) they fit together. In the background of the photo are my permafrost pieces, also made from styrofoam (from the old dock- see pictures from "July 12: Dump Runs and a Master Plan" for the 'before' picture).

So things are trucking along. I still need another 500 clear bottle caps and another 100 used tea bags, but most raw materials seem to be in abundance. Now its all labour (which means its time for me to stop writing and start gluing).

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